
Internship at Añañau

Join Añañau’s internship program and change lives while gaining valuable experience!

Internships at Añañau

At Añañau, we believe that internships are not only valuable opportunities to gain experience, professional knowledge, and practical skills for the workplace, but also a chance to make a difference in the world. By interning with us, you can gain international experience, achieve personal and professional growth, and contribute to our mission of empowering children and families in need in Cusco. With Añañau, you can make your internship more meaningful to you and the rest of the world.

Interested in becoming an intern at Añañau?

Join Añañau’s internship program today and take the first step towards a rewarding and impactful experience. With a variety of internship opportunities available, you can gain practical skills and experience while contributing to our important work. Become a part of a passionate and dedicated team committed to making a difference in the lives of children and families in need. Contact us for more information!

internship fields

We offer a variety of internship opportunities in education, social care and provide hands-on experience

Occupational therapyOrthopedagogyEducationCommunicationPyschology assistent
Social careITSME managementNutritionAmong others
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