Hydrotherapy in school for children with special needs

In addition to his own project work with children and families in San Jeronimo, Añañau also works together with other organizations in Cusco. Through the material help and sending volunteers we try to contribute with Añañau in the state hospital, some local schools, and other social projects. This is how Añañau also works together with a special education school in Cusco and offers support through the cooperation of students during a foreign internship. From mid-March, there were four Flemish students of occupational therapy from Hogeschool Thomas More from Geel. These students were involved in guiding these special children, among other things by stimulating their skills and training activities in daily life. Occupational therapy is still very unknown in Cusco until now. That is why they also worked closely with the regular teachers and the school team in order to share experiences and exchange methods. They also developed various new materials as ergo to further assist the children in their personal development. This year, the students also worked out a completely new hydrotherapy program with the school. In the school, there is a beautiful space with special baths for the children. The students further developed this space with lots of colors and visual stimulation for the children and so that it is ergonomically adjusted and ready to get started. In collaboration with the physiotherapist, they worked out the complete hydrotherapy program. This therapy is specially offered to children with multiple disabilities (cerebrale parece) working on mobility and relaxation of the muscles. The goal of hydrotherapy is to influence the health of the children as optimally as possible so that they can function as well and independently as possible in daily life. As soon as everything was completed, the students started working with different children, who enjoyed it immensely. A big compliment to Daphne Peeters, Jolien Vosters, Jolien Lauwers and Astrid Van Noten for the elaboration of this wonderful project!



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