Inauguration new school building in Huancaro

Education is a very important factor for the progress of people and society, but the great gap that exists in Peru between state education and private education and in the educational infrastructure has a huge impact on the quality of education and the learning process of children. The Luis Vallejo Santoni primary public school in the district of Huancaro in Cusco has been struggling for years with difficulties in providing quality education due to major infrastructure problems and the lack of educational resources and educational materials. Finally, after years of struggle, the Ministry of Education gave the green light for the construction of a new school building. The construction of the new school building started in 2018 and was completed in April 2019. The government of the region of Cusco, responsible for the construction, together with the Ministry of Education, opened the new educational center on 28 June and the new building was inaugurated in a festive manner together with teachers, pupils, parents and staff.


We cannot express in any other way the great happiness and enthusiasm we feel when observing the joy of the children and teachers and the pride they feel for their new school. As you could read earlier, Añañau has been supporting the school for some time with various educational and pedagogical activities thanks to the support of volunteers, trainees and people with a good heart. In addition, Añañau will start a second project here. The after-school activities that Añañau will offer will be similar to the current project of Añañau where homework guidance and various educational activities (English lessons, ICT lessons, work on social skills etc.) are offered for the disadvantaged pupils of the school and other children in need of help from the neighborhood. The request to offer help in the afternoon with Añañau came from the school itself as it concerns very underprivileged children who in the afternoon are left alone or hang out on the street and need a lot of help and support in their learning and development process as the parents are often unskilled or illiterate. We are therefore very happy that the new building is finally in use and that we can soon start the activities of Añañau.


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