My Equator project

Since October 2019 we have been participating at the Equator project with the group of older children from Añañau. My Equator is an international learning platform that allows children to grow together towards active global citizenship; it is an educational exchange platform between North and South via thematic videos of children around the world. The children can talk about their culture or about daily problems that we link to the sustainable development goals, the so-called SDGs.

It is a great opportunity for the project to participate and to strengthen the children’s knowledge about the SDGs. In this way they learn to express their ideas and increase their social commitment. They also learn to come up with solutions together and through the short films they can show a little more about their environment, their beautiful culture and the reality of Cusco.
The children are very happy and eager to participate in the recording of the videos, to get out there and put their city in the spotlight, to give their opinion and to come up with solutions to problems that concern each of us around the world.

We are super proud of all the children who participated and made their voices heard! The first videos we made for the Equator project look fantastic! And many more will follow!
Are you curious or do you also want to participate with your class at this wonderful project? Then take a look at