Second round of food parcels

Añañau organized a second delivery of food parcels for all the children and families of the project. Thanks to all the support we have been able to put together a nice food parcel for a second time and hand it over to all these families whose reality is full of uncertainty and scarcity. This support will help the families through this difficult period where there are practically no job opportunities and ways to generate income as the Peruvian government in May has extended the quarantine until at least June 30. Normally, the children also eat at school and are offered a meal at the project. Because the schools and also the project must remain closed, this is no longer possible. Therefore, the extra support of food supplies was very welcome and a great help for the families and they were very grateful for this warm and supportive gesture of solidarity.

In addition to the parcels with basic food supplies and antibacterial soap, we also made a nice folder with exercises and educational activities for each child along with a bag of materials such as colored paper, threads, origami paper, cardboard rolls, etc. to do the activities and arts and crafts at home.
We could not have done this without your help and support! This means the world to us! Thank you so much on behalf of all of us and all families to everyone who has supported this beautiful campaign!!