Visiting the families at home

How we missed all those sweet faces!

A few weeks ago, when the lockdown was lifted here in Cusco, we were able to make several home visits to see how the children and the children and their families are doing. And how good it was to see them all again!
The children were also very happy with our visit and proudly and delightedly showed their homework and the works they had made from the educational bundles we had provided. Fortunately everyone was well and healthy. We heard again from the families that they are trying very hard to make ends meet, but that the situation is very complicated. Many mothers secretly reach out to sell something on the street, but this with the risk of infection or that the police intervenes. The children who now more often stay home alone try to keep up with their homework and, as far as possible, follow the lessons via the broadcasts of the Ministry of Education. Often they have a lot of homework that is not easy to understand and process on their own, which reaffirms to us that our help is very meaningful providing remote homework assistance and providing the exercise bundles with additional exercises.
At every home visit, we have always followed the strict safety measures by wearing the mouth mask, keeping your distance and always fully disinfecting our hands, shoes and clothing before entering.

Unfortunately, since the quarantine was lifted in various regions of Peru, the situation has deteriorated severly and the number of infections has increased enormously. That is why the province of Cusco has decided to take stricter measures again and we have gone into lockdown again since August 1.

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