Great news from the North!
During the past months, many great initiatives have been taken to support and contribute to the project work of Añañau.

First of all, thank you to everyone who made a nice donation to the project of Añañau during the past months. Nevertheless, the annual fundraising event of vzw Qué bonito! could not take place due to corona, many enthusiastic supporters decided to donate the amount of their entrance tickets to support the project! Also thank you very much to the many people who made a wonderful donation for our end-of-year campaign 25 Days of Generosity for the children of Añañau and a special thank you to Intouch Global Foundation from England for helping us through these difficult times! You really make a difference and help us to continue the project work of Añañau to move towards a better future for the children and the families!

Congratulations and a big thank you as well to Martina Bizzotto, Alessia Berti y Paolo Frison from Italy for the online volunteer work they did for Añañau. With great enthusiasm and always with a big smile, they worked together with the Añañau team and helped us with communication strategies, branding and graphic design. The collaboration was made possible by Ayni Cooperazione – Volontariato Internazionale and Vitec Imaging Solutions from The Vitec Group, a wonderful international company that considers it very important to be socially responsible and involved. Thank you very much Alessia, Martina and Paolo for your dedication, your wonderful ideas and the great support and also many thanks to Ayni Cooperazione and Vitec!

A big thank you as well to Hanne Maenhout, who set up a nice fundraising campaign for Añañau on her birthday. With the support of friends and family, Hanne raised a nice amount that she donated to the organization. Years ago, Hanne did her internship in social work at the project and now still has a very warm heart for the children. Thank you very much Hanne for your nice gesture!

Gabriela Macias from the United States volunteered in the project in Peru a few years ago and is now helping us with great enthusiasm from a distance, including the graphic design of a beautiful poster for the project and support in communication strategies and means. Thank you so much Gabriela for all your dedication and wonderful help!

Zoë Vandenhende and Cynthia Beyne, both from Bruges, Belgium, also decided to volunteer online for Añañau. Cynthia, occupational therapy student at Vives University of Applied Sciences, set up a wonderful online sports event for Añañau in collaboration with Ari from Afit360 from Bruges. Together they organized three online core-stability sessions to follow from home of which the proceeds went entirely to the project. What better idea than to stay in shape during lockdown and exercise while supporting a good cause!

Zoë volunteered in the project in Peru years ago and is still very motivated to continue to help us remotely from Belgium. She appealed to all her friends and family to support the project and with some friends who are artists, she designed beautiful postcards for Añañau of which the profits will integrally support the project! Look at these fantastic designs by creative young talent Theo Collie, Miesj Van Avermaet, Viktor Vandenabeele, Lynne Vermeulen and Hennie Mahieu! Thank you very much Zoë, Cynthia and Ari, Theo, Miesj, Viktor, Lynne and Hennie for all your efforts, fantastic ideas and wonderful support!

Añañau launched this year a new form of sustainable and responsible volunteering, the online volunteering program. Online volunteering offers many opportunities to contribute to the project remotely, sharing your experiences, knowledge or interests and all this… from your living room, from your home, wherever you are!
You will be part of a sustainable impact for the local community and the children we work with and together with the Añañau team contribute to a long-term positive change!
Would you like to do something and be involved?
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