Excursion to Raqayraqayniyuc

After so much time we could finally go out again and have a beautiful day together in group! This time during our annual trip we hiked straight up from the project in San Jeronimo into the mountains to the newly restored ruins of the archaeological site of Raqayraqayniyuc at almost 3500m altitude! And afterwards we did some fun games with all the children on a nearby field. What a incredible view and beautiful ruins! And we enjoyed it so much together!
The archeological site of Raqayraqayniyuc belongs to a Late Horizon (Inka) occupation, followed by an ephemeral and not very intense occupation on the Colonial period. During the Inka period, the enclosures were multifunctional housing patterns (a kitchen, a bedroom and a storage) that could comfortably accommodate a nuclear family (father, mother and children). The inhabitants of Raqayraqayniyuc on this period carried out intensive agricultural activities, followed by grazing and textile production.
Here you can see some more pictures of this wonderful day!