Great collaborations with local volunteers
During the month of February we have been counting with the support of a group of psychology students from the local Andina University in Cusco. The organization of Aňaňau has been able to set up a sustainable cooperation with the psychology faculty of the university where psychology students and professionals will be supporting the programs of Aňaňau and giving aid in the emotional wellbeing of the children. In this first phase of this new collaboration the volunteering students have been giving workshops to the children around emotional security, self-esteem and self-confidence through a series of fun and participative workshops.

We believe that education should be integral in the lives of children and adolescents. As part of the 2023 holiday activities, since January of this year the group of the last grades of primary education and the group of children in secondary education have been taking a public speaking course thanks to the support of volunteer Catherine Gonzales, student of the professional career of Political and Government Science at the Pontificia Catholic University of Peru. This was such a great initiative that helped the children to open up, gain confidence and learn to speak well in public.

As a closing of the February psychology workshops, at the beginning of March, with the collaboration of the strength group of the psychology students from the local Andina University in Cusco, Aňaňau organized a “school for parents” activity. An interactive workshop for the parents to improve the relationship between parents and children. Among fun activities, motivational talks and group dynamics, it was carried out. We thank the professor and psychologist of the Andina University Edgar Sánchez Rodríguez and the volunteers for their support.
And also the Añañau team has had the wonderful opportunity to participate in a very interesting and advanced workshop around working constructively together in a team and team dynamics given by one of the professors of psychology.

We are very happy with the organization to have started up this exciting new collaboration with the faculty of Psychology and are looking forward to consolidate this into a sustainable cooperation in the long term.