Meet our new teachers!
At the start of the new school year, some changes have happened in the Añañau team and we are very happy to count on some new team members, whom we would like to introduce to you here!
In the team at the project site in Huancaro there are two new teachers, Deysi Rene Huaman Quispe and Anita Huaman Huachuvilca. Both are young teachers who have recently graduated and who want to get started in the field with great enthusiasm working with the target group of Añañau to support and help the children where they are struggling because of their disadvantaged position.

For Deysi education is “motivation, guidance, is to cultivate values and it is satisfactory to see the improvement of children and to contribute to their learning”.

And Anita says: “To educate is the art of teaching, to impart knowledge, values, culture and traditions. To educate is not only to transmit academic knowledge but to form children with critical and free thinking, with sufficient self-esteem that allows them to develop in their fullness and be able to balance their personal and social life.”
In Huancaro we can also continue to support the school by providing an ICT teacher and an English teacher from Añañau. As you already know from the past, the school itself does not have the resources for this and we are happy that we can support them so that the pupils will have access to a complete and high-quality curriculum during school hours and work can be done in the computer room on ICT to narrow the digital gap. We would therefore like to introduce to you Jesus Daniel Guzmán Eguiluz who will teach the ICT course and Jacqueline Vásquez Valencia the English lessons.

According to Jesus “computer science is a fundamental tool for the future of children”.
And Jacqueline states that “learning a new language opens the doors to the world”.
At the project site in San Jeronimo we want to put in the spotlight as well our two STEM teachers Graciela Del Pilar Roca Caituiro and Alexis Franco Arizabal Paez.
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics make up the STEM program. This project with integrated subjects is not only about knowledge but also aims to break the inequality gaps and the lack of opportunities by providing tools and activities that encourage the motivation and participation of children, being them the protagonists in their learning.

All the new teachers are very happy and excited to start working with the children of Añañau or to teach at the school in Huancaro and we are very pleased to have them on our team and starting working together!