
My Equator project

Since October 2019 we have been participating at the Equator project with the group of older children from Añañau. My Equator is an international learning platform that allows children to grow together towards active global citizenship; it is an educational exchange platform between North and South via thematic videos of children around the world. The […]

Great news from the North!

Book donation Book Aid International Thanks to the partnership that Añañau has with Intouch Global Foundation from England, we received a wonderful donation of books from the organization Book Aid International this year. Book Aid International is the largest international charity from the UK for book donation and library development. They believe that books have […]

Student’s Day

September 23th is a very important day in the school year in Peru. That is because ‘Student’s Day’ is celebrated on this day and coincides with the moment when spring also starts here. In Peru, all schools (colegios), colleges, institutes, universities, etc. celebrate this student and youth day with music concerts on some city squares, […]

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