Week of the children’s rights
As part of the educational activities within the project and promoting the participation and empowerment of the children on the basis of the guidelines of the SDGs (the global sustainable development goals), we held in the second week of June in Añañau the “Week of the children’s rights”. Thanks to the worked-out dynamics of Lotte Van de Winkel, a social work student who did an internship in the project until January, we were able to offer various interactive, informative
activities about children’s rights, with dynamics such as the boat, a song about children’s rights, our city and with the help of information cards about children’s rights, prepared by Jo Pluymers, a student who completed his pre-professional internship in Añañau in May this year. All activities focused on the recognition, reminder and awareness of children’s rights.
The reality of the rights of children and adolescents in Peru and also in Cusco is not very positive. 29 years after the ratification of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, violence continues to exist in Peru, the women’s emergency center reports cases of violence against children on a daily basis and according to statistics, there are more than one and a half million working children. Almost half of them are even younger than the minimum age to work, which is still 14 in Peru!
In this way Añañau wanted to go deeper into this theme through the activities with the children and teach them more about their rights.