Christmas in Añañau

On Friday the 20th of December, the last day of the school year in Peru, we met with all the children and their families for Christmas at the project. We wanted to come together in this beautiful ocasion with all families, close the year together and wish each other Christmas. After all, for most children who come to the project, this is not possible at home due to the reality in which the families live. Like every year we had a nice celebration where we drank hot chocolate and ate paneton, some sweet bread, as is typical here in Peru, and there was a Christmas present for every child. Each child also read a nice card with wishes for a different child of the project. The older children each did this for a classmate and the little ones did this for each other as well. This is always a very pleasant moment of being together and expressing gratitude for all the good things of the past year.

This year we also celebrated Christmas with all the children and their families at the new project in Huancaro! It was a wonderful gathering with lots of laughter, joy and the delicious paneton with hot chocolate. Each child also read its wishes for one of its classmates and typical dances were danced exuberantly. Finally, we said goodbye with a big hug and a nice gift for each child. We will see all children and families on January 6, 2020 with the start of the holiday program!

Thank you very much to Silke Decaestecker and Febe Vandenbroucke and all their friends and family for the fantastic support that made the Christmas celebration possible and all the presents for the children! You put a big smile on all those sweet faces!