A sweet 15th birthday!

Also this year we are very proud of a new group of young ladies who turned 15 years old! Your 15th birthday is quite an event in Peru and a beautiful stage in a woman’s life. And it’s is well celebrated. This time it was the turn of Flor, Belinda, Luz and Estefani , 4 of the girls who accompany us for more than 7 years in the project. We had a nice afternoon, with snacks, soda, popcorn, music and a delicious cake. We wanted to be part of this special moment for our girls. Congratulations!

This birthday is not only symbolically a new milestone in their lives. These young girls are also very much looking forward to the future in everyday life. All four of them have dreams about what they want to become and undertake in life and together with them we are taking the first steps. During the activities of ‘Proyecto de vida’ (‘My life project’) we explore this further and discuss it together. For example, we look at what interests they have, what studies are possible, what you can become with it, what preparations are needed for this and how all this can be achieved. And so several of them will soon start at a preparatory academy in order to better prepare for a study in higher education. In Peru you have to complete an entrance exam for every course. Soon there will surely be more news about the ventures of these girls!

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