Kids recognition for reading
Most of the children that come to the educational projects of Añañau have difficulties in their learning. This is mostly due to their complicated and underprivileged living conditions, the little support parents can offer and the lack of resources, proper nutrition, and so on. In Añañau we want to offer the children equal opportunities in life, where they can have access to inclusive and quality education and where they are supported when they face difficulties. Integrated learning with an extra focus, adapted learning resources and remediation when needed is what Añañau stands for.

One of the biggest challenges when we start school is learning to read. We will find many difficulties along the way, but it is a great satisfaction when we achieve it. With stimulation and extra help, Abrahan, one of the children from the project at the Huancaro school, has shown that with effort all challenges can be achieved. Francisco, Daylin and Lizeth also received recognition for their efforts. ‘I’m proud of myself’, their medal states. Well done kids!

As part of the children’s development, we also believe that games have an important role in their lives and can be very helpful. Scientific studies indicate that learning in a playful way is very useful for children with concentration problems. Giving a child the opportunity to learn with new games focused on improving their concentration and personal development, that is equal opportunities.