A warm Christmas celebration in Añañau
The most anticipated holiday of the year is Christmas and in Añañau we had started the preparations already a few weeks before. The children were very excited preparing decorations for their tree at the projects with environmentally friendly materials and have been enjoying fun and responsible activities to live the magic of Christmas.

With the support of the volunteers and students that were at the project and from many other persons who showed their support during this end-of-year period we have been able to organize the most beautiful and warm Christmas celebration for the children at both projects.
According to tradition in Añañau at our beautiful Christmas party, each child made a beautiful card with wonderful wishes for another child, which were handed over with lots of hugs. There was tasty paneton (typical sweet bread with dried fruit) with hot chocolate and, as a highlight of course, a beautiful gift was made possible for each child. There was also a kind celebration for the mothers of the group of the literacy classes with a nice gift for each of them. Everybody enjoyed so much this kind and warm celebration and it was the perfect way as well to close up the year and say goodbye until next year!